Sunday, September 23, 2012

How much information is in the Human Brain?

I recently saw a video about how the internet weighs. (You can watch it here). It was quite an interesting idea.

But later, I heard on another show that the brain contains about 10 terabytes of information (can't link to the show). I thought this was kind of small. So... I took it upon myself to come up with a more satisfying number.

The linked video says the internet weighs roughly 50 grams. That takes into account the all the electrons that make up the 1 billion trillion bytes (1x10^21).

The average human brain weighs about 1350 grams (with 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses). One could say, then, that the human brain contains about as much information of 27 internets, or 27x10^21.

That is 27 sextillion bytes (27 zetabytes).

For an idea what that means:

27,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.

That is indeed a much more satisfying number for how amazing the human brain is!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Primal Blueprint: A Snapshot

There is a fitness blog I read almost everyday at

It is written by a former triathalon competitor who has switched to the "Primal" lifestyle. Those of you who know me know I lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks being hardcore on his program and then lost another 10 pounds over the next 6 months going more mediocre.

Today's post sums up some of the rules for this lifestyle. It's not a diet or an exercise plan, but a set of principles.

I've done some editing to this to make it readable.

1. Yes, You Really Can Reprogram Your Genes

...How we eat, exercise, sleep, interact with our social circles, stress, and spend time outdoors (plus tons of other environmental signals) determines how our genes express themselves; how our genes express themselves in turn determines our level of health. Genetic predisposition is not your destiny....

2. The Clues to Optimal Gene Expression Are Found in Evolution

The clues to realizing our Primal Blueprint lies scattered amidst our evolutionary history... the best we can probably do is use human evolution as a base level tool for making lifestyle decisions....

3. Your Body Prefers Burning Fat Over Carbohydrates

We’ve evolved to be fat-burners... Become "fat-adapted", enjoy boundless energy. Free yourself from the shackles of a carbohydrate-based metabolism/dependency....

4. 80 Percent of Your Body Composition Success Is Determined by How You Eat

...Sleep matters, exercise helps, stress has an effect, but how you eat – what you eat and how much you eat – is the prime determinant of your body composition....

5. Grains Are Totally Unnecessary

...There’s nothing good in grains that you can’t get elsewhere, and plenty bad that you won’t find elsewhere. Don’t eat ‘em....

6. Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are Not Your Enemy

...Saturated fat is inherently the most stable fat...

7. Exercise is Ineffective for Weight Management

Exercise is healthy.... But exercise alone is highly ineffective for weight management....
You can’t out-exercise a bad diet and poor lifestyle.

8. Maximum Fitness Can Be Achieved in Minimal Time With High Intensity Workouts

... Make your short, intense workouts shorter and more intense. Round them out with lots of slow moving – walks, hikes, and the like – throughout your everyday life, and you’ll be incredibly fit and well-rounded, in a fraction of the time most people presume is required. 

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