Monday, December 24, 2012

The Star Wars Drinking Game

Drink If…

·      Someone has a bad feeling about this.
·      It's their only hope.
·      A woman other than Leia is on screen

·      There is a tremor in the Force.
·      It's not someone's fault
·      Someone exclaims "No!"
·      People kiss
·      Every time you find yourself talking to the people on screen
·      Luke whines.
·      Luke and Lando are in the same place at the same time
·      Leia insults somebody.
·      Anybody insults the Millennium Falcon.
o   Twice if Han brags about the Millennium Falcon.
·      Something doesn't work on the Falcon
o   Twice if it's the hyperdrive
·      Yoda uses bad grammar
·      R2-D2 plugs into the wrong socket and his head spins around.
·      C-3PO loses a body part.
o   Twice if he is completely dismembered.
·      The Emperor cackles evilly.
·      Stormtroopers shoot everywhere but where they're aiming.
·      Stormtrooper armor proves useless.

Other versions there are, but if the whole trilogy watching you are, too many drinks you may have.