Monday, December 24, 2012

The Star Wars Drinking Game

Drink If…

·      Someone has a bad feeling about this.
·      It's their only hope.
·      A woman other than Leia is on screen

·      There is a tremor in the Force.
·      It's not someone's fault
·      Someone exclaims "No!"
·      People kiss
·      Every time you find yourself talking to the people on screen
·      Luke whines.
·      Luke and Lando are in the same place at the same time
·      Leia insults somebody.
·      Anybody insults the Millennium Falcon.
o   Twice if Han brags about the Millennium Falcon.
·      Something doesn't work on the Falcon
o   Twice if it's the hyperdrive
·      Yoda uses bad grammar
·      R2-D2 plugs into the wrong socket and his head spins around.
·      C-3PO loses a body part.
o   Twice if he is completely dismembered.
·      The Emperor cackles evilly.
·      Stormtroopers shoot everywhere but where they're aiming.
·      Stormtrooper armor proves useless.

Other versions there are, but if the whole trilogy watching you are, too many drinks you may have.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hamlet Sans

I heard something on the radio, not quite sure what it was, but it made me want to make this.

It is the famous "To be, or not to be" soliloquy from Shakespeare's Hamlet, but with a bit of change.

I have deleted all verbs and adjectives. Also, starting with the first line, I deleted every third line (so the 1st, 4th, 7th, etc.)

I think it's interesting how, although we may not even have ever heard the whole soliloquy, we can insert the correct verb.


Whether nobler in the mind
The slings and arrows of fortune
And by them--
No more--and by a sleep
That flesh is heir to. A consummation

For in that sleep of death what dreams may
When off this coil,
That calamity of so life.

For who the whips and scorns of time,
The pangs of love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
When he himself might his quietus
With a bodkin?

Who fardels,
But that the dread of something after death,
The country, from whose bourn
And rather those ills
Than to others that not of?

And thus the hue of resolution
Sicklied o'er with the cast of thought,
With this regard their currents awry
And the name of action. -- You now,
All my sins.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Multilingual Abstract Noun and Suffixes

Most people learned what the definition of a noun is when they were very young: any person, place, or thing. There are also proper nouns which always receive a capitalized first letter. Additionally, there are abstract nouns. The capitalization of these nouns is debatable, but I prefer to do so.

The Fruitages of the Holy Spirit found in the Bible at Galatians 5:22, 23  are a superb example of the abstract noun. Instead of just a thing, it is a thing that intangible, or non-physical. The following is a list of the Fruitages in English, Spanish, Danish, and Czech.

Love Amor Kærlighed Laska
Joy Gozo Glæd Radost
Peace Paz Fred Pokoj
Faith Fe Tro Víra
Goodness Bondad Godhed Dobrota
Kindness Benignidad Venlighed Laskavost
Mildness Apacibilidad Mildhed Mírnost
Long-Suffering Gran Paciencia Langmodihed Trpělivost
Self-Control Autodominio Selvbekerkelse Sebeovládání

As you can see it is not in order found in the passage, but organized according to syllables and suffixes in English. The first four have one syllable and no suffix; the middle three are two syllables and have the same suffix: "-ness;" the last two have varying syllables but are both hyphenated.

I find it very interesting how the Spanish translation follows this same pattern almost exactly. The first four have no suffix; the middle three have the same suffix: "-dad;" and the last two have varying syllables. This is surely evidence of the Gothic influence of both Spanish and French (viz. Middle French and Middle English).

Looking at Danish, the previous pattern is broken, but a new one emerges. Five out of the nine abstract nouns end in "-hed." If rearranged to this new pattern the list goes as follows:

Tro Faith
Kærlighed Love
Godhed Gooness
Venlighed Kindness
Mildhed Mildness
Langmodihed Long-Suffering
Glæd Joy
Fred Peace
Selvbekerkelse Self-Control

Three out of four of the qualities in English that end in "-ness" end in "-hed" in Danish. Wouldn't it be weird if, instead of saying 'Goodness' we said 'Goodhood;' or instead of 'Love' we said 'Lovinghood.'

Finally, looking at Czech, there is also a pattern different from English:

Radost Joy
Laskavost Kindness
Mírnost Mildness
Trpělivost Long-Suffering
Laska Love
Víra Faith
Dobrota Goodness
Sebeovládání Self-Control
Pokoj Peace

The first four end in "-ost;" the next four end in a feminine vowel sound; the last one ends in a masculine vowel sound. This is indicative of how far back the languages split. While Modern English was directly influenced by Danish and is in the same generational displacement  from Latin as is Spanish. Although Czech is  related to English, the most recent common ancestor is only the Indo-European language. That means that Czech is about as related to English as is Hindi.

I hope you learned something and enjoyed this post. Repost this link if you'd like or follow my blog.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

How much information is in the Human Brain?

I recently saw a video about how the internet weighs. (You can watch it here). It was quite an interesting idea.

But later, I heard on another show that the brain contains about 10 terabytes of information (can't link to the show). I thought this was kind of small. So... I took it upon myself to come up with a more satisfying number.

The linked video says the internet weighs roughly 50 grams. That takes into account the all the electrons that make up the 1 billion trillion bytes (1x10^21).

The average human brain weighs about 1350 grams (with 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses). One could say, then, that the human brain contains about as much information of 27 internets, or 27x10^21.

That is 27 sextillion bytes (27 zetabytes).

For an idea what that means:

27,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.

That is indeed a much more satisfying number for how amazing the human brain is!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Primal Blueprint: A Snapshot

There is a fitness blog I read almost everyday at

It is written by a former triathalon competitor who has switched to the "Primal" lifestyle. Those of you who know me know I lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks being hardcore on his program and then lost another 10 pounds over the next 6 months going more mediocre.

Today's post sums up some of the rules for this lifestyle. It's not a diet or an exercise plan, but a set of principles.

I've done some editing to this to make it readable.

1. Yes, You Really Can Reprogram Your Genes

...How we eat, exercise, sleep, interact with our social circles, stress, and spend time outdoors (plus tons of other environmental signals) determines how our genes express themselves; how our genes express themselves in turn determines our level of health. Genetic predisposition is not your destiny....

2. The Clues to Optimal Gene Expression Are Found in Evolution

The clues to realizing our Primal Blueprint lies scattered amidst our evolutionary history... the best we can probably do is use human evolution as a base level tool for making lifestyle decisions....

3. Your Body Prefers Burning Fat Over Carbohydrates

We’ve evolved to be fat-burners... Become "fat-adapted", enjoy boundless energy. Free yourself from the shackles of a carbohydrate-based metabolism/dependency....

4. 80 Percent of Your Body Composition Success Is Determined by How You Eat

...Sleep matters, exercise helps, stress has an effect, but how you eat – what you eat and how much you eat – is the prime determinant of your body composition....

5. Grains Are Totally Unnecessary

...There’s nothing good in grains that you can’t get elsewhere, and plenty bad that you won’t find elsewhere. Don’t eat ‘em....

6. Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are Not Your Enemy

...Saturated fat is inherently the most stable fat...

7. Exercise is Ineffective for Weight Management

Exercise is healthy.... But exercise alone is highly ineffective for weight management....
You can’t out-exercise a bad diet and poor lifestyle.

8. Maximum Fitness Can Be Achieved in Minimal Time With High Intensity Workouts

... Make your short, intense workouts shorter and more intense. Round them out with lots of slow moving – walks, hikes, and the like – throughout your everyday life, and you’ll be incredibly fit and well-rounded, in a fraction of the time most people presume is required. 

Read more:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I've made it a habit to collect some songs that have had an impact on me throughout the year. I've called it different things over the years but the name "JSR CD" has resurfaced again this year, with the affixation of "2012."

So here's the track list. You should be able to click the link and it will open up iTunes.

  1. God Yu Tekem Laef Blong Mi by Hans Zimmer
  2. Light & Day / Reach For The Sun by The Polyphonic Spree
  3. Hard To Concentrate by Red Hot Chili Peppers
  4. 'Unfinished Symphony' No. 8 In B Minor by Franz Schubert
  5. I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow by The Soggy Bottom Boys
  6. Our Truth by Lacuna Coil
  7. Love of the Loveless by Eels
  8. Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes
  9. Waiting for My Real Life to Begin by Colin Hay
  10. Without You by David Guetta
  11. Cruel To Be Kind by Nick Lowe
  12. No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley

Here's some songs that didn't make the cut. They're all good, especially the first on the list, but it seemed like too much, literally and figuratively.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Clothing Color Schemes

From time to time I get a compliment on my color scheme of the suit I am wearing. Other times I get a weird look and I know they think my colors don't match. If you have ever thought this then rest assured that it does go together, it is just a rather dangerous combination.

I thought I would share my color schemes, for hose of you who are curious. I've told several I use this tool and they have asked for it, so here it is.

I use a six-part color wheel which consists of Yellow (Y), Orange (O), Red (R), Violet (V), Blue (B), and Green (G). I negate any shades or tints (adding black or white, respectively).

I also make use of the neutral colors. Obviously the neutrals all go together, but white tends to go well with the cool colors (V, B, G) and Black goes well with warm colors (Y, O, R) while Grey goes with all. You can also switch: put white with warm and black with cool, but that is often too bold or hard to round out with a jacket.


In standard practice there are complementary colors and analogous colors. Monochrome is a scheme too, but gets boring if you do it too often. Conversely, it can become a very bold statement if you rarely wear a monochrome scheme. You can spice these up with a triad, a double, or a split. Thus there are eight schemes: Complementary, Analogous, Triad, Split, Split Triad, Double, Split Analogous, Split Complementary.


Complementary means the colors are directly across from each other on the wheel. That means there are exactly three complementary color combinations.
  • Y/P
  • G/R
  • B/O


Analogous means the colors are right next to each other on the wheel. That means there are exactly six analogous color combinations (you can also make it an analogous triad).
  • G/B/(V)
  • B/V/(R)
  • V/R/(O)
  • R/O/(Y)
  • O/Y/(G)
  • Y/G/(B)


Triad means choose the colors that make a "Y" shape on the wheel. That means there are exactly two triad color combinations.
  • Y/B/R
  • G/O/V


Split means you take out the middle color from the triad. That means there are exactly six split color combinations
  • B/R
  • G/O
  • O/V
  • V/G
  • Y/B
  • Y/R

Split Triad

Split Triad means you take out the middle color from the triad and add the color that is one step warmer or one step cooler. That means there are exactly six split color combinations. BUT once you venture outside of the complementary, analogous, triad combinations, you start getting repeats. SO, then, there are only four split color combinations that cannot be classified any other way.
  • B/R/O
  • G/R/O
  • Y/V/B
  • Y/R/V


Double means you combine two complementary colors with one analogous color. That means there are four double color combinations that are not able to classified another way.
  • B/O/G
  • G/R/B
  • G/R/Y
  • Y/V/O

Split Analogous and Split Complementary

These are the categories where the above combinations found their repeats. Split Analogous means you take your split triad and remove the last color and replace with the original middle color from the triad. Split Complementary means you take two complementary colors and add one analogous color. There are four Split Analogous or Split Complementary colors that cannot be classified any other way.
  • B/O/V (Split Analogous)
  • V/G/Y (Split Analogous)
  • B/O/Y (Split Complementary)
  • G/R/V (Split Complementary)


I mentioned earlier how you can be bold with a color scheme, but you could also be too flamboyant with colors, which makes others feel uncomfortable. In order from least dangerous color scheme to most dangerous they are:
  • Monochrome (B/B/B)
  • Split (B/R)
  • Triad (Y/B/R)
  • Complementary (G/R)
  • Split Complementary (B/O/Y)
  • Analogous (Y/G/B)
  • Double (B/O/G)
  • Split Triad (B/R/O)
  • Split Analogous (V/G/Y)
Obviously you can pull off a very dangerous V/G/Y split analogous combination by changing the tints and shades.


Here is a quick-reference table to all the schemes and combinations. I also have given all the combinations a name. They are sorted by danger rather than by scheme.


Scheme Combination Danger Name
Complementary BO 1 Boot
Complementary GR 1 Great
Complementary YV 1 Wavy
Split BR 1 Cold
Split GO 1 Go
Split OV 1 Done
Split VG 1 Lady
Split YB 1 Bib
Split YR 1 Rye
Analagous OYG 2 Goya
Analagous VRO 2 Rover
Analagous ROY 2 Roy
Analagous YGB 2 Big
Split Complementary BOY 2 Boy
Split Complementary GRV 2 Hard
Triad BYR 2 Bird
Triad GVO 2 Grover
Analagous BVR 3 Brave
Analagous GBV 3 Bum
Double  BOG 3 Bog
Double  GRB 3 Grab
Double  GRY 3 Gravy
Double  YVO 3 Mom
Split Analagous BOV 3 Bye
Split Analagous VGY 3 Girl
Split Triad BRO 3 Bro
Split Triad GRO 3 Grow
Split Triad YVB 3 Mad
Split Triad YRV 3 Hot